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Understanding Resurrection Through Art

Tsaile Sunset

By Everest Harvey

Hey SSP! My name is Everest, I was the Spiritual Life Coordinator for the Environmental and Housing Justice team this summer. As you likely know, the theme this summer was ‘Arise.’ This theme followed the cycle of a resurrection – death, waiting, new life, and moving forward. One activity we did as a part of my program was the following three-part project. To try it for yourself, get two pieces of paper and a glue stick.

“The theme this summer was ‘Arise.’ This theme followed the cycle of a resurrection – death, waiting, new life, and moving forward”

Part One

Think about something in your life that ended. Write or draw about it on your paper, try to take up as much of the paper as possible, use color, etc. Don’t worry about the drawing being “good,” it can be as messy and abstract as you want, you will be the only one who sees it. Fill up the space on the page with extra words or scribbles or shapes that describe how you felt during or after whatever you’re describing.

Part Two

Tear up your drawing into pieces, as many as you want, checking in with yourself and how you feel as you do this. Allow yourself to feel like you’re letting something go.

Part Three

Take the pieces from your drawing and make a collage/mosaic on your other piece of paper. This can look like anything. As you are piecing together your new work of art, remind yourself that sometimes endings can make way for something new. Reflect on what you learned from the ending you had in mind when you created your original piece, and what this new piece of art means to you.

This activity captures one of the main themes of the summer – even if an ending is painful and feels final, it is making room for something new and beautiful. Resurrection is all around us, and the model set by Christ’s resurrection is recognizable in our own lives if we take time to look.


Editor’s Note: You can implement this activity (and others like it) with your own group using SSP’s Arise curriculum, available on the online store. Stay tuned for more news on how SSP is ‘arising’ back to in-person programs! We can’t wait to explore faith and build community alongside you again.