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Serving in Walker River


By Gavin Wilmoth

Youth from Aldersgate United Methodist Church in Tustin, CA


My name is Gavin Wilmoth, and I am a member of Aldersgate United Methodist Church. I am actively involved in the youth group, and this year I served on the Walker River Paiute Reservation with my high school youth group and teams from other churches during week 2. This is my fourth year attending SSP, and each year is unique and special.

This year my team painted a house, and the owner of the house, Patti, taught us Native American dances and showed us her authentic bead work. She even came to our home site to show all of us some of her dances so we all could participate. I really enjoy learning about the Native American culture, and I have enjoyed serving their community.

Each year I come to SSP I learn and grow.

Each year I come to SSP I learn and grow. I learn about cultures and beliefs of others. I grow by meeting people from all different states who share the same passion for serving others, and I grow in my faith and walk with God.

I get to be the hands of Christ to others, and I get to be a part of a community of faith that makes me think and grow as a Christian. I am also glad that my brother had his first SSP experience this summer, and I am glad I can share this experience with my father.


Editor’s Note: Gavin’s brother and father also wrote about their experiences this summer. Read about Garrett‘s and Scott‘s experiences.