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Sally Kadifa

Parent of SSP Youth from First Congregational Church of Palo Alto, CA

We donate to SSP because of the opportunities for service it has provided for our daughter, Charlotte. She is a senior in high school and has participated in both middle and high school SSP trips with her youth group at our church, First Congregational Church of Palo Alto. These service trips are truly a highlight of Charlotte’s summer vacation.

“We are impressed Sierra Service Project makes the effort to develop constructive and long-term partnerships with the communities the programs serve.”

She has had fun “doing good” for others while bonding with teens from our church as well as teens from churches around the West Coast. She’s learned how to paint, use power tools, and construct a wheelchair ramp. She’s enjoyed meeting some of the individuals who so graciously permit SSP participants and staff to work on their homes, community facilities, and parks.

“Teens see the injustice and inequality in our society, and SSP empowers them to do something about it.”

We are impressed Sierra Service Project makes the effort to develop constructive and long-term partnerships with the communities the programs serve, and works with them to identify and complete projects that truly benefit the community. Charlotte’s experiences with SSP have informed her belief system and values. Teens see the injustice and inequality in our society, and SSP empowers them to do something about it. Thank you, SSP!


Editor’s Note: Join the Kadifa family and over 600 annual donors in supporting SSP financially. This article is featured in SSP’s 2018 Annual Newsletter; read all the stories written by youth volunteers, summer staff, and community members. Request a hard copy newsletter to be mailed to you.

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