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Sacramento County, CA

SSP has a long history in Sacramento County, where our central office has been located for decades, but 2023 will be our first year hosting a full summer program in the region! 

Thanks to a taxpayer initiative through the City of Rancho Cordova’s Measure H Community Enhancement and Investment Fund, this program is supported by public funding and is free for Rancho Cordova residents. All other participants who are not residents of Rancho Cordova must pay a participation fee. Days of Service will also be available at this location.

Due to funding requirements, this program offers a secular service-learning program without faith-based content.

[invicta_button label=”Summer 2023 Information Packet” url=”” target=”_blank” size=”medium” icon=”icon-file-text-alt” alignment=”center”][invicta_button label=”Register for Summer 2023″ url=”” target=”_blank” size=”medium” icon=”icon-map-marker” alignment=”center”][invicta_button label=”Downloads” link_type=”page” page_id=”6105″ target=”_blank” size=”medium” icon=”icon-cloud-download” alignment=”center”]

2023 Summer Date Options

Unless otherwise listed, all sessions run Sunday-Saturday (6 nights):

  • Week 1: starting June 18
  • Week 2: starting June 25
  • Week 3: starting July 2
    • Option to be 5-night (Sunday-Friday or Monday-Saturday)
  • Week 4: starting July 9
  • Week 5: starting July 16
    • Option to be 5-night (Sunday-Friday or Monday-Saturday)
  • Week 6: starting July 23
  • Week 7: starting July 30
    • Option to be 5-night (Sunday-Friday or Monday-Saturday)

2023 Summer Participant Fees

  • Residents of Rancho Cordova: Free!
  • Weekly
    • Per Person Group Rate:
      • 5-Night Sessions: $295 per person
      • 6-Night Sessions: $335 per person
    • Individual Rate: $385
  • Days of Service: Free with suggested donation!

About the Community

What are the prevailing needs in Sacramento County?

  • Low-income residents benefit from otherwise costly home repairs
  • Installment of drought-tolerant landscapes
  • Neighborhood beautification

What does Sacramento County have to offer?

  • American River for water activities; miles of dedicated pedestrian and bike trails
  • As the Farm-to-Fork Capital of America, abundant local produce
  • Short drives to popular destinations in Northern California (Lake Tahoe, San Francisco, Auburn State Recreation Area)
  • Learn more about visiting Rancho Cordova

Who is a good fit to volunteer at this location?

  • Anyone is welcome! 
  • Groups and individuals looking for either Days of Service OR an overnight week-long program
  • Volunteers interested in urban development, food deserts, and climate impact
  • Volunteers looking for a secular service-learning opportunity
[invicta_button label=”Summer 2023 Information Packet” url=”” target=”_blank” size=”medium” icon=”icon-file-text-alt” alignment=”center”][invicta_button label=”Register for Summer 2023″ url=”” target=”_blank” size=”medium” icon=”icon-map-marker” alignment=”center”][invicta_button label=”Downloads” link_type=”page” page_id=”6105″ target=”_blank” size=”medium” icon=”icon-cloud-download” alignment=”center”]

Service Work in Sacramento County

Read below to learn about the two neighborhoods where SSP volunteers will work in Sacramento County:

Rancho Cordova

SSP has had a long partnership with the City of Rancho Cordova, and we look forward to completing repair projects during the summer with the City’s support!

Rancho and SSP

North Sacramento

SSP’s central office is located in North Sacramento, and we have plentiful local partner organizations we collaborate with – many within walking distance of our office! For this reason, Sacramento County volunteers can anticipate some projects being based in North Sacramento, rather than the City of Rancho Cordova.

Location Details


Most of Sacramento County sits at sea level. Average summer highs in the region are often above 90°F, and occasionally triple digits, with lows generally around 60°F. Project work may start early in the day due to the heat index, and sun protection is strongly recommended.

Staff Contact Info

Phone: 916-345-0188


Mailing Address: Volunteer Name, c/o Sierra Service Project, General Delivery, Rancho Cordova, CA 95670


Rancho Cordova United Methodist Church, 2101 Zinfandel Dr, Rancho Cordova, CA 95670


Your navigation system should be able to guide you to our host facility. You’ll either approach from I-50 E or I-50 W.

Follow on Instagram @SSPsacramento